

Why Choose an Avuncular DNA Test?

POSTED ON by Alliance Support Team

Avuncular DNA testing determines the likelihood that a person is the biological aunt or uncle of a child.  This test is often used when a parent is unavailable for testing, and it compares the child’s DNA to that of a potential sibling of the alleged parent.  Since aunts and uncles share about 25% of their DNA with a biological niece or nephew, statistical analysis is used to calculate the probability of the relationship.

So Why Chose Avuncular DNA Testing? 

If the biological father or mother is deceased, unwilling, or otherwise unavailable, testing a close relative—like an aunt or uncle—can provide strong evidence of a biological relationship. This can be especially useful in:
• Inheritance claims
• Social Security benefits
• Immigration cases
• Adoption reunification

Can Avuncular Testing be Legal? 

Good News!  Avuncular testing can be processed as both legal or informational/peace of mind only

• Legal Avuncular DNA Testing: If the results will be used in court for child custody, inheritance disputes, Social Security claims, or immigration cases, the test must follow a strict chain of custody process with samples collected by an authorized professional.
• Peace of Mind Avuncular DNA Testing: If you simply want to confirm a family relationship for personal reasons, you can choose an at-home avuncular test with easy self-collection using cheek swabs.

Interesting Fact: 

If an adoptee is searching for their biological family, an avuncular DNA test can help confirm if an individual is their aunt or uncle, which can provide key information in their journey of discovering their roots.

Contact Alliance DNA Laboratory for all of your DNA relationship testing needs.  800-890-5722 or email us at 

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